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时间:2023-03-31 14:14:29 点击:

海南亚特兰蒂斯商旅发展有限公司 (下称亚特兰蒂斯公司”) 与日本尼普拉有限公司 (Nippura Co., Ltd)签订合同,尼普拉有限公司向亚特兰蒂斯公司供应亚克力水族馆面板及耗材,并提供现场安装服务,就其供应的面板及耗材的质量问题、材料缺陷和工艺方面提供为期 10 年的质保。

2017 6 16 日,亚特兰蒂斯公司投资的海南三亚海棠湾亚特兰蒂斯酒店项目中的亚克力水族馆在灌水过程中池壁发生破裂,导致大量的水涌入酒店项目的 B1 B2 层,给正在装修中的墙体和部分安装中的机电设备造成严重损害。事故不仅造成亚克力水族馆本身的损失,还造成16 家施工单位的损失,16 家相关单位提出的索赔金额合计 39,934,207 元人民币。根据根宁翰保险公估 (中国) 有限公司的现场检验和评估,合理损失金额合计为人民币 13,035,454 元。

亚特兰蒂斯公司就该项目向中国太平洋财产保险股份有限公司海南分公司 (下称海南太保”) 投保建筑工程一切险 (含第三者责任险)。海南太保根据保险合同就亚特兰蒂斯公司作出保险赔偿,赔偿金额为 13,005,000 元,依法取得了代位求偿权。

海南太保委托我所代理该仲裁案。我所代理海南太保在中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会香港分会向日本尼普拉有限公司提起仲裁。我所丁亭律师作为代理人参与了仲裁庭审。该案为全英文开庭。外律师团队,包括主任林翠珠博士、管理合伙人杨运福律师一起参与讨论。经过我所最大努力,仲裁庭全部支持了我方仲裁请求:日本尼普拉有限公司赔偿海南太保本金 13,005,000元人民币及利息 1,424,530.06 元人民币,赔偿海南太保律师费 3,884,251.29 港元,承担仲裁费用 476,648 港元。

仲裁裁决后,我所继续努力,最终日本尼普拉有限公司将赔款本金及利息、 承担的律师费和仲裁费用合共美元 2,851,790 (折合人民币 18,046, 127 ) 全部支付给了海南太保,取得了非常好的结果。


      Nippura Co., Ltd had signed a contract with Hainan Atlantis Commerce and Tourism Development Co., Ltd. ("Atlantis"), supplying the latter of Acrylic Aquarium panels and consumables with on-site installation services and a 10-year warranty on the quality, material defects and workmanship of the panels and consumables it supplies


      On June 16, 2017, in the Atlantis hotel project in Haitang Bay, Sanya, Hainan, invested by Atlantis, the acrylic wall of aquarium broke during the filling process, resulting in a large amount of water flooding into Level B1 and B2, causing serious damage to the walls under renovation and the mechanical and electrical equipment in installation. The accident not only caused the loss to the acrylic aquarium itself, but also caused the loss to 16 construction units, and the total amount of claimed by 16 units was RMB 39,934,207 yuan. According to the on-site inspection and assessment conducted by Cunningham Lindsey China, the reasonable amount of loss was RMB13,035,454.


      Atlantis insured China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co Ltd Hainan Branch (hereinafter referred to as "CPIC Hainan") for Construction All Risks (including third-party liability insurance) in connection with the project. CPIC Hainan compensated Atlantis in accordance with the insurance contract, with a compensation amount of RMB 13,005,000, and obtained the right of subrogation according to law.


      CPIC Hainan entrusted our firm to represent them in the arbitration. We brought up an arbitration before the Hong Kong branch of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission against Nippura Co., Ltd on behalf of CPIC. Lawyer Ding Ting of our firm participated in the arbitration hearing as an agent. The arbitration was in English. The firm's foreign business team, including Dr. Lin Cuizhu, director Colin Y F Yang participated in the discussion.  At our best efforts, the arbitral tribunal fully supported our arbitration claim: Nippura Co., Ltd. compensated CPIC Hainan for the capital of RMB 13,005,000 and interest of RMB 1,424,530.06, and for the lawyer's fees of RMB 3,884,251.29 as well as the arbitration costs of HK$476,648.


       After the arbitration award, our firm continued to work on the execution, and in the end, Nippura Co., Ltd. paid a total of US$2,851,790 (RMB 18,046, 127), including the principle and interest, lawyer's fees and arbitration costs in full to CPIC Hainan, which was a very good result.


上一篇:The soyabean damages onboard MV "ELIKON" in Fangchenggang, Guangxi Dispute over the contract for the carriage of goods by sea

下一篇:广西人保“雪绒花”(EDELWEISS) 共同海损纠纷伦敦案