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"Great Talent"轮大豆热损案

时间:2023-03-31 14:24:59 点击:

Great Talent轮于 201871日自巴西 BARCARENA 港开航,船上装载约 65, 251.50 吨散装大豆,清洁提单。9 18涉案船舶靠舟山码头,并于2018 9 26 日开始卸货。涉案货物提单收货人江苏北大荒油脂有限公司,但货物是直接卸至北大荒的下游买家浙江产化工有限公司的指定工厂的仓库。在卸货过程中, 江物产化工声称发现大豆热损,江苏北大荒随即要求船方提供担保函,经过多日沟通,北大荒最终同意接受 2500 万元人民币金额的担保函。船舶最终于1011日卸完货物,12 日离港开航。2019 8月份,北大荒在宁波海事法院对船东提起了诉讼,在诉讼时,北大荒提交了海关检 的数据,根据舟山海关的检测数据,涉案大豆的热损率为 12. 33%于损失金额,北大荒委托舟山 CCIC 出具残损 鉴定报告,评估损失金11557326

被告大俊海运有限公司委托我所林翠珠、杨运福等律师处理该案。在货损发现后我所律师紧急介入该案,最终案子判决大俊公司赔偿北大司货损人民币 7663410 元及利息,并驳回原告其他请求。经过我所 的 最大努力,为委托人大大减少了损失 (减损约人民币 350 万元),取令委托人非常满意的结果。

案典型意义:收货人因其自身原因没有及时卸货,造成的货物损失 应承担相应的责任。



      MV "Great Talent", loaded with 65, 251.50 tons of bulk soybeans and with clean bill of lading, set sail from BARCARENA, Brazil on 1 July, 2018. The ship arrived at Zhoushan wharf on 19 August 2018, and started discharged at 26 September. The consignee of the bill of lading was Jiangsu Beidahuang Oil and Fat Co., Ltd., but the goods were directly discharged to the warehouse of the designated factory of Zhejiang Wuchan Chemical Co., Ltd., the downstream buyer of Beidahuang. During discharge, Zhejiang Wuchan Chemical claimed to have found soybean heat damage, and Jiangsu Beidahuang immediately required the shipowner to provide a letter of guarantee, and after days of communication, Beidahuang finally agreed to accept a LOU in the amount of 25 million yuan. The ship completed discharge on 11 October and left the port on the 12th. In August 2019, Beidahuang filed a lawsuit against the shipowner in the Ningbo Maritime Court, and in the lawsuit, Beidahuang submitted the data of customs inspection. According to the data of Zhoushan Customs, the heat loss rate of the captioned soybeans was 12.33%. Regarding the amount of loss, Beidahuang entrusted Zhoushan CCIC to issue a "damage appraisal report", in which the assess amount of damages was RMB 11,557,326 yuan.


     The defendant, Great Talent Shipping Limited, entrusted our lawyers Judy C Z Lin, Colin Y F Yang to handle the case. After the discovery of the damage, our lawyers urgently intervened in the case, at the end, Great Talent Shipping was ruled to compensate Beidahuang Company the loss of goods in amount of RMB 7,663,410 plus interest, and rejected the plaintiff's other claims. At the best efforts of our firm, we reduced a great amount of loss for the client (reduced amount was about 3.5 million yuan) and achieved a satisfied result.


      The typical significance of this case: the consignee should bear responsibility for the loss of goods caused by the failure to discharge cargo in time due to its own reasons.


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