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“BAI FU”轮货损案

时间:2023-03-31 14:31:52 点击:

2021货物空调备件由“BAI FU”轮自外海装载运至墨西哥城。青岛太保是案涉货物保险人,委托人中远海运集装箱运输有限公司是承运人。货物在墨西哥城陆运过程中被抢劫。青岛太保支付保险赔款,折合人民币约86万元,向中远海运集装箱运输有限公司索赔并要求支付利息。




      In 2021, air-conditioning spare parts were shipped to Mexico City by the MV “BAI FU” from overseas. CPIC Qingdao was the insurer of the goods involved in the case, and COSCO Shipping Lines was the carrier. After the goods were looted during haulage in Mexico, CPIC Qingdao paid an insurance compensation, equivalent to about RMB 860,000 yuan, and claim against COSCO Shipping Lines for compensation plus interest.


       COSCO Shipping Lines entrusted lawyers Colin Y F Yang and Yuan Jinsong of our law firm to handle this case. After rounds of negotiations with the other party, our lawyers have fully explained and demonstrated to the other party that the occurrence of the robbery was not the fault of the carrier, and thus the carrier did not bear any legal liability. Nevertheless, it may pay a small amount of compensation as a settlement, which was agreed by the other party. The case was settled with a settlement amount of RMB 16,000 yuan. We have successfully reduced the settlement amount to less than 2% of that claimed amount, greatly reducing the loss of the client. A pre-litigation mediation agreement was reached, and lengthy legal proceedings was avoided.


上一篇:广西防城港“ELIKON”轮载运大豆受损 海上货物运输合同纠纷
