2020 年 5 月 21 日,“雪绒花” (Edelweiss) 轮 (以下简称“该轮”) 在巴西桑托斯港装载了 64,611.84 公吨的巴西大豆,开往广西钦州港。中国人民财产保险股份有限公司广西分公司 (以下简称“广西人保”) 承保了该轮货物。该轮离开桑托斯港后,航行途中发现尾轴螺栓松动,船速仅为 2-3 节。船长担心船舶、货物和船员的安全,要求拖船协助。2020 年 7 月 6 日,该轮船东宣布共同海损。拖轮拖带该轮抵达钦州,随后该轮抛锚。
2020 年 8 月 21 日,该轮货主签订了船货不分离协议,广西人保提供了共损 担保。共损协议、共损担保约定在伦敦仲裁或诉讼。根据共同海损理算报告,此次共同海损事故中货物利益方需要分摊的数额为 196.29 万美金。
2021 年 11 月,广西人保委托我所代理本案。我所杨运福、林翠珠、邹融、丁亭、刘彬林律师经办此案。我所律师与国外专家联系对本案相关事实进行调查取证;与船东委托的英国其礼所律师协商谈判;与船东委托的英国其礼所律师组织了两次线上和解谈判;与英国其礼所律师交换了双方的专家报告;2022 年 12 月,船东委托的英国其礼所律师就本案在英国伦敦高等法院对广西人保提起了诉讼,我所代理律师正在准备应诉中。
On May 21, 2020, MV “Edelweiss” loaded with 64,611.84 tons of Brazilian soybeans in the port of Santos, Brazil, destined for Qinzhou port, Guangxi. The cargo was insured by PICC Guangxi. After departing Santos, the bolt of the shaft tail was found loosen during the voyage, and the speed of the ship was only 2-3 knots. For the safety of the ship, cargo and crew and required the assistance of tug. On July 6, 2020, the ship's owner declared general average. MV “Edelweiss” was towed to Qinzhou, after which the ship broke down.
On August 21, 2020, the cargo owner signed an agreement on the non-separation of cargo and provided a joint loss guarantee. The mutual loss agreement and joint loss guarantee agreement stated that arbitration or litigation should take place in London.
According to the general average adjustment report, the amount that the cargo interests in this general average accident need to share was 1.9629 million US dollars.
In November 2021, PICC Guangxi entrusted our firm to handle this case. Our lawyers Colin Y F Yang, Judy C Z Lin, Zou Rong, Ding Ting and Liu Binlin handled the case. Our lawyers contacted foreign experts to investigate and to collect evidence on the relevant facts; negotiated with the British lawyers from Clyde & Co appointed by the shipowner; organized two online negotiations with British lawyers appointed by the shipowner; exchanged expert reports and lawyers opinions with the British lawyers; In December 2022 , the British lawyer appointed by the shipowner filed a lawsuit against PICC Guangxi in the High Court of London, England, and our lawyer is preparing to respond.