2012 年 3 月 15 日,中核电广东台山公司 (下称“台山核电”) 与法国Areva 签订一份“买卖合同” ,由台山核电向法国 Areva 购买核电设备。
该核电设备从法国陆运至比利时安特卫普港,拟从安特卫普港通过船运至广东广州港。该核电设备在安特卫普港口码头停放过程中,一辆集装箱车行驶经过 时,车上的集装箱倒塌,碰损了核电设备。
中国太平洋财产保险股份有限公司广东分公司 (下称“广东太保”) 承保了该设备。广东太保赔付台山核电 220 万欧元。
广东太保赔付台山核电后,委托我所向比利时的责任方追偿。我所杨运福、丁亭等律师经办此案。我所与比利时律师合作进行诉讼。比利时一审判决我方败诉。一审判决后, 我方上诉。二审期间,经过最大努力,对方与我方和解,对方支付 158 万欧元给我方。取得了非常好的效果!
On March 15, 2012, China Nuclear Power Guangdong Taishan Company (hereinafter referred to as “Taishan Nuclear Power”) signed a "sales contract" with France Areva,
purchasing nuclear power equipment from Areva.
The nuclear power equipment is transported by land from France to the port of Antwerp, Belgium, and is intended to be shipped from the port of Antwerp to Guangzhou Port, Guangdong. During the parking of the nuclear power equipment at the terminal of Antwerp, a container truck passed by and the container on the vehicle collapsed, damaging the nuclear power equipment.
China Pacific Property & Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd. Guangdong Branch ("CPIC Guangdong") underwrote the equipment. CPIC paid €2.2 million to Taishan Nuclear Power.
After CPIC Guangdong compensated Taishan Nuclear Power, it entrusted our firm to recover from the responsible party in Belgium. Our firm's lawyers Colin YF Yang and Ding Ting handled the case. Our firm cooperates with Belgian lawyers in litigation. We’ve lost the case in the first instance. After the issuance of judgment, we appealed. During the second instance, after our best efforts, the opponent settled with us and paid €1.58 million to us, which is a very good results.